Set amidst the scandalous world of high society in nineteenth century London, the series takes us in to the troubled marriage of Frederick and Clara. Against a dazzling backdrop of glamorous parties, decadent balls and opulent beauty, the series explores themes of class politics, gender divide, forbidden romance, but it is a family secret and childhood trauma that threatens to tear the marriage apart. Only the truth can teach them how to love.
Belgravia: The Next Chapter is the follow-up series of Belgravia.
STARRING: Benjamin Wainwright, Harriet Slater, Toby Regbo, Hannah Onslow, Gerard Horan, Elaine Cassidy, Sophie Thompson, Liam Garrigan, Sophie Winkleman, Lauren McQueen, Miles Jupp, Edward Bluemel, David Fynn, Jordan Scowen, Ellie Piercy, Daisy Sequerra, Claude Perron
WRITER: Helen Edmundson
DIRECTORS: John Alexander, Paul Wilmshurst, Marisol Adler, Roger Goldby
PRODUCERS: Colin Wratten, Emma Mallett
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Nancy Cotton, Helen Edmundson, Julian Fellowes, Nigel Marchant, Gareth Neame, Joanna Strevens, Alec Strum, John Alexander
Belgravia: The Next Chapter is a Carnival production for MGM+